(A) Fold the lower striped area over the blue field.

(B) Folded edge is then collapsed over to meet the open edge.

(C) A triangular crease is then begun by bringing the striped corner of the collapsed edge to the open edge.

(D) Outer point is then turned internal parellel with the open edge to shape a moment triangle.

(E) Triangular collapsing is proceeded until the whole length of the banner is collapsed in the triangular state of a positioned cap with just the blue field unmistakable (F).

1. The banner is issued for the benefit of the Department of Veterans Affairs to respect the memory of one who has served our nation.
2. At the point when used to wrap the coffin, the banner ought to be set as takes after:
(a) Closed Casket - When the banner is utilized to wrap a shut coffin, it ought to be placed to the point that the union (blue field) is at the head and over the left shoulder of the perished.
(b) Half Couch (Open) - When the banner is utilized to wrap a half-lounge chair coffin, it ought to be set three layers to cover the shut portion of the coffin in such a way, to the point that the blue field will be the top overlay, by the open bit of the coffin on the perished's cleared out.
(c) Full Couch (Open) - When the banner is utilized to wrap a full-love seat coffin, it ought to be collapsed in a triangular shape and put in the middle part of the head board of the coffin top, simply over the left shoulder of the perished.
3. Amid a military duty service, the banner which was utilized to wrap the coffin is held midsection high over the grave by the pallbearers and, promptly after the sounding of "Taps," is collapsed as per the guidelines above.
4. The banner ought not be brought down into the grave or permitted to touch the ground. At the point when taken from the coffin, it ought to be collapsed as above.
5. The banner ought to frame a particular element of the function of revealing a statue or landmark, yet it ought to never be utilized as a covering for the statue or landmark.
6. The banner ought to never be secured, shown, utilized, or stowed in such a way as will allow it to effectively be torn, grimy or harmed in any capacity.
7. The banner ought to never have put upon it, nor any piece of it, nor joined to it, any check, badge, letter, word, figure, plan, picture, or drawing of any nature.
8. The banner ought to never be utilized as a container for accepting, holding, conveying, or conveying anything.
9. The banner, when gravely worn, torn, or ruined ought to never again be openly shown, however secretly decimated by smoldering in such a way as to pass on no proposal of lack of regard or contemptuousness.
1 comment
I was very pleased with the quick service and quality of the flag case.